Little Bay Road Water Main Replacement
Project Description:
This project will replace approximately 4,300 linear feet of eight-inch water main along Little Bay Road in Newington. Observations of the water main over many years of failures have made it clear that the breaks in the 1969 cast-iron water main are due to inadequate pipe bedding material and compromised portions of pipe. The replacement of this main is necessary to maintain a reliable water supply in this area.
The project involves the installation of an eight-inch ductile iron water main and the replacement of 25 water services and four hydrants. Upon completion, the road will be patched and prepared for final pavement by the Town of Newington.
The project is scheduled to commence in April 2025 and be completed by mid-summer.
Go to a map of the project area.
Project Engineers: Underwood Engineering Inc.
Project Construction Contractor: TBD
Project Manager: