North Cemetery
Established in 1753 on land purchased from John Hart, this is the second oldest burying ground in the city and was used through 1926. The cemetery was placed on the National Register of Historic Places for the many historically significant people who played roles in the founding of New Hampshire and the American Revolution interred among its 1800 graves. Resting here are two Founding Fathers: John Langdon and William Whipple; veterans of the French and Indian, Revolutionary and Civil Wars; Dr. Joshua Brackett, president of the NH Medical Society; and Dr. Hall Jackson; Abraham Isaac, the first Jewish resident; the first Roman Catholic parishioner; and African American residents including Prince Whipple and Pomp Spring, both enslaved and freed.
See the City Historical Marker

The City received a $20,000 NH Moose Plate grant to repair the seawall behind the historic North Cemetery. The grant is being applied to preservation work and rebuilding the collapsed stone retaining wall facing North Mill Pond in North Cemetery. Work is scheduled to start June 11, 2024 and will be completed by June 14.
On November 17. 2023 the City re-interred 1800s remains from unmarked graves that had been accidentally disturbed during work on the cemetery wall. Go to more information on the Service of Remembrance pictured below.
Buried here are:
Aaron Adams d. 1804
Benning Adams d. 1854
Elizabeth Adams d. 1814
Nathaniel Adams d. 1768, detail photo
Sarah Adams d. 1854
Amy Akerman d. 1846
Barnet Akerman d. 18??
Benjamin Akerman d. 1783
Elizabeth Akerman d. 1803
Henry Akerman d. 1806
Phebe Akerman, heelstone
Samuel Akerman d. 1847
Sally Akerman d. 1805
Sarah Akerman d. 1833
Mary Allen d. 18??, photo 2
Sarah Allen d. 1856
Abigail Austin d. 1801
Mary Ayers d. 1863
Phineas Ayers d. 1821
Elizabeth Langdon Barrell d. 1823, daughter of Gov. John Langdon.
Abigail Bartlett d. 1823
Margaret Hall Bartlett d. 1853
William Bartlett d. 1834
Lucy Ann Barry/Berry d. 1843
Abigail Bass d. 18??
Sarah Bass d. 1817
Sarah Bass d. 1819
Cazneau Bayley d. 1808, out of the ordinary carving of an angel. detail photo
John Bazin d. 1819
John Beahan d. 1809, a native of Ireland.
Dorothy Bell d. 1819
Mary Bell d. 1826
Rebecca Bell d. 182?
Robert Bell d. 1873
Nancy Berry d. 1832
Joseph Bigelow d. 1783
Mary Ann Bigelow d. 1806
Hannah Billings d. 1781
Capt. Richard Billings d. 1808, a sea captain, Clerk of the Market of Portsmouth, and once a clerk to John Hancock.
Capt. Abner Blaisdell d. 1832
George F. Blunt, sr. d. 1830
George Blunt, jr. d. 1831
Mary Blunt d. 1831
Abigail Bowles d. 1826
Charles Bowles d. 1831
Frances Bowles d. 1840
John Bowles Esq. d. 1837
John Wallis Bowles d. 1834
George Boyd, photo 2 d. 1787, a successful shipbuilder who's home and shipyard were once located across the street on the North Mill Pond. Wanting to avoid the Revolution, he sailed to England. He returned in 1787, bringing this gravestone with him, and needing to make use of it only two days before arriving back home.
George Boyd Jr. d. 1790
Henry Cruger Boyd d. 1784
Madam Jane Boyd, heelstone, d. 1800
Phebe Boyd d. 1777
Supply Boyd, heelstone, d. 1786
Dr. Joshua Brackett, photo 2, photo 3, d. 1802
Margaret Brackett d. 1813, wife of Dr. Joshua Brackett who was once president of the NH Medical Society and one of the most esteemed physicians in Portsmouth..
Jeremiah Bragdon
Jeremiah Bragdon Sr. d. 1833
Jeremiah Bragdon d. 1834
John William Bragdon d. 18??
Joseph Brewster d. 1766
William Brewster d. 18??
Ann Maria Briard d. 1846
George Briard d. 1829
Oliver Briard, Esq. d. 1844
Capt. Samuel Briard d. 1806
Sarah Briard d. aft. 1806
Sarah Briard d. 1855
John Briggs d. 1830
William Briggs d. 1811
Amos Brown d. 1849
Daniel Walter Brown d. 1817
George M. Brown d. 1824
John Brown
Lieu. Walter Brown d. 1816
Lucy Buckminster d. 1801, wife of Rev. Joseph Buckminster, minister of the North Church.
Mary Buckminster d. 180?
Franklin B. Burgin d. 1828
Joseph Y. Burgin, Esq. d. 1820
Charlotte Burleigh d. 1832
Elizabeth Burleigh d. 1802
Mary Campbell d. 1867
Mary E. Cannaran d. 1840
Salome Cate d. 1845
Ann Hale Chadbourn d. 1806
Mary Chadbourn d. 1826
Thomas Chadbourn d. 1825
Catherine Chamberlain d. 1804
Richard Champney, Esq. d. 1810, he participated in the raid of Fort William and Mary in Dec. 1774, the first land skirmish of the Revolutionary War.
Drusilla Chase d. 1830
Mary Chase d. 1819
Stephen Chase Esq. d. 1805
William Chase d. 1834
Eliza Clark d. 1828
Enoch Moody Clark d. 1815
Ichabod W. Clark d. 1825, photo 2
Jonathan Clark d. 1797
Mary Greenleaf Clark d. 1800
Samuel Clark d. 1807
Sarah Ann Clark d. 1856
Sarah Clark d. 17??
Thomas K. Clark Co. C, 26 Massachusetts Regiment, Civil War.
Supply Clap Esq. d. 1811, Capt. Hezekiah Russell's (2d) co. of volunteers, 2d Hampshire Co. regiment (Revolutionary War).
Alice Jane Clements d. 18??
? Coffin d. 1849
Caroline Coffin d. 1811
Charles A. Coffin d. 1830
Francis Coffin d. 1828
Horatio Coffin d. 1859
Mary E. Coffin d. 1827
Mehitable Coffin d. 1829
John Creel d. 1829
Richard Creel d. 1839
Sarah Creel d. 1831
Ann (Creel) Croxton d. 1838
Anna Holyoke Cutts d. 1805
Hannah Brown d. 1810
Anna Holyoke Cutts II d. 1830
Anna Holyoke Cutts d. 1788
Edward Holyoke Cutts d. 1805
Mary Cutts d. 1797
Samuel Cutts, photo 2, d. 1790
Sidney Cutts, photo 2, d. 1792, daughter of Samuel Cutts, who had a very notable role in the capture of Fort William and Mary. He was Paul Revere's contact in Portsmouth when he arrived to warn of the oncoming British.
Daniel Cutter d. 1832
Hannah Cutter d. 1832, wife of Dr. Ammi R. Cutter who was in charge of the Medical Dept. of the Northern Army during the Revolutionary War.
Capt. Samuel Dalling d. 1788
Elizabeth Dame d. 1818
William Dame d. 1807
Francis M. Day d. 1828
Ann Eliza Dennett d. 1837
Dolly Dennett d. 1849
Sarah Dennett d. 1823
Albert Dennie d. 1795
John Ditson d. 1811, of Lexington Mass.
Ephraim Dockum d. 1841
Mary Dockum d. 1817
Sarah Ann Dockum d. 1833
Betsy Dore d. 1851
William H. Dore d. 1800
?? Downing, Naval veteran of the Civil War.
Ann Downing, photo 2, d. 1903
Havilah Downing, photo 2, d. 1874
Jerome Drew d. 1816
Samuel Drown d. 1797
Mary Frances Dunn d. 1834
Oscar Dunn d. 1838
Mary Ann Durgin d. 1821
Eliza Dyer d. 1864
Ezekiel Dyer d. 1832
Elizabeth Edward d. 1778
Catherine Elwyn d. 1822
Charles Henry Elwyn d. 1848
Elizabeth Langdon Elwyn d. 1830
Thomas Elwyn, Esq. d. 1816
Thomas Octavius Elwyn d. 1831
William Octavius Elwyn d. 1828
Almira Emery d. 1824
Daniel Emery d. 1835
Mary Emery, photo 2, d. 1862
Sarah Emery d. 1826
Shem Emery, photo 2, d. 1862
Ann Fernald d. 1825
Ann L. Fernald d. 1834
Elizabeth Fernald Jr. d. 1821
Elizabeth Melcher Fernald d. 1809
Harriet Fernald d. 1881
Jane Fernald d. 1831
John Fernald d. 1792
Mary Fernald d. 1812
Samuel Fernald Esq. d. 1830
Elizabeth Fitch, photo 2, d. 1765
Ezekiel Fitzgerald, photo 2, d. 1829
Margaret Fitzgerald d. 1866
Jonathan Folsom d. 1825
Mary Folsom d. 1784, beautiful portrait carving.
Mary Folsom d. 1820
Nathaniel Folsom (heelstone, headstone is missing.) Proprietor of the Privateer ship "General Sullivan" and a participant in the raid of Fort William and Mary in 1775.
Maj. David C. Foster d. 1823
John Foster d. 1781, beautiful winged cherub carving.
Robert Nichols Foster d. 1820
Thomas Freeman d. 1827
Emeline Frost d. 1823
Sarah Frost d. 1837
John Frothingham d. 1825
Margery Frothingham d. 1817
Sarah W. Frothingham d. 1823
Mary Furber d. 1842
Samuel Furber d. 1828
Capt. Theodore Furber d. 1809
William Furber d. 1842
George Gains Esq. d. 1809
Irena Garrand d. 1875
Lydia Gibbs d. 1808
Oliver Gibbs d. 1829
William Gibbs Esq. d. 1836
Josiah Giles d. 1813
Sarah Jane Giles d. 1855
Jonathan Goddard, photo 2, d. 1807
Elizabeth Gooch d. 1875
Anna Moses Goodrich d. 1842
Irena Goodrich, photo 2, d. 1845
James D. Goodrich, photo 2, d. 1842
Margaret Goold d. 1818
Joseph Gove d. 1833
William Graves d. 1820
John Greenleaf Gray d. 1803
Charles P. Green d. 1836
Nehemiah Green d. 18??
Nehemiah Green sr. d. 1827
John Greenleaf d. 1804, keeper of the Bell Tavern.
Charles Greenough d. 1845
Charles Henry Greenough d. 1845
Corporal Robert F. Greenough d. 1862, Co. H 29th Massachusetts, died at the Battle of Antietem, Civil War.
Sarah Griffith d. 1780
Jane Seavy Grimshaw d. 1866
John Hale Esq. d. 1790
Mary Hale d. 1811
Samuel Hale, Esq., A.A.S. d. 1807, Harvard graduate, Major in the Louisberg Expedition, instructor at the local Latin Grammar School for almost 40 years, Judge of Common Pleas for Rockingham Co.
Ann Haley d. 1823
John Haley d. 1822
William Haley d. 1813
Ammi R. Hall d. 1823, Sailor, ship “G. Pickering,” commanded by Capt. Jonathan Haraden; list of officers and crew sworn to Nov. 10, 1780; ship taken by the British while on a cruise to the West Indies."
Eliza D. Hall d. 1869
Elizabeth Hall d. 1822
Mary W. Hall d. 1866
Elizabeth Halliburton d. 1820
Anna Halliburton, photo 2, d. 1802
Elizabeth Halsy d. 1882
Ann Ham d. 1825
Benjamin Ham d. 1825
Charles Ham d. 1820
Elizabeth Ham d. 1849
Elizabeth Ham d. 1882
Elizabeth W. Ham d. 1824
Henry Ham d. 1802
James Ham d. 1811
Mary Ham d. 1838
Mary Ham d. 1842
Oliver Ham d. 1836
Rebecca Ham d. 18??
Col. Samuel Ham, photo 2, d. 1825
Sarah Ham d. 1835
Timothy Ham d. 1824
Nancy Handy d. 1819, wife of Capt. Samuel C. Handy a Privateer in command of the schooner "Fox", who captured many prizes including the "Mars" and the "Minerva". 287 ships were taken by him in a little over one year from 1812-1813. Before sailing, he drew up a will leaving all his prize money and the charge of his affairs to his wife.
Elizabeth Harrold d. 1803
Sukey Harrold d. 1822
Abigail Hart d. 1831
Benjamin Hart d. 1832
Charlotte Hart d. 1837
Elisha C. Hart d. 1800
Elizabeth Hart, photo 2, d. 1761
Elizabeth Hart d. 1805
Elizabeth M. Hart d. 1855
Elizabeth P. Hart d. 1882
Esther M. Hart d. 1805
George Hart, Esq. d. 1807
Col. John Hart, photo 2, d. 1777, sold the land to the town for this burying ground for 150 pounds, Commander of the NH Regiment at Louisberg.
Marcy Collings Hart, Heelstone, d. 1790
Sarah Hart, photo 2, Heelstone, d. 1757
Richard Hart, Esq. d. 1820
William Hart d. 1811
William Hart, photo 2, photo 3, d. 1812, maker of mathematical instruments used in oceanic navigation.
Alex Henderson d. 1783
James Henderson, photo 2, d. 1818
Andrew J. Hill d. 1844
George Hill d. 1820
James Hill d. 1811
Jane Hill d. 1773
Mary L. Hill d. 1823
Sarah Hill d. 1834
Anna Hartwell Hoar d. 1805, from Littleton, MS. and buried with her infant daughter.
Corporal Harlan P. Hodgdon, 10th New Hampshire Volunteer Infantry (where he was made a Corporal from a Private), the 28 Co., 2 Battalion Veteran Res. Corps., and the 15 Veteran Res. Corps in the Civil War.
Abigail Holbrook d. 1831
Martha Holbrook d. 1846
Samuel Holbrook d. 1836, served aboard the Ranger under John Paul Jones (founder of the American Navy).
Theodora Horney d. 1808, once lived on State St with her husband Capt. Gilbert.
Seth Huntress, Co. B, 4th NH infantry, Civil War.
Abraham Isaac d. 1803, originally from Prussia and were the first Jewish residents of Portsmouth. He once had a home and shop on State Street across from the Rockingham Hotel.
Elizabeth Jackman, photo 2, photo 3, d. 1805
Clement Jackson, photo 2, photo 3, photo 4, d. 1782, local physician to whom many other later doctors apprenticed.
Hall Jackson Esq. MD, photo 2, photo 3, d. 1797, esteemed physician, noted for his care of the wounded during the Battle of Bunker Hill, started the first practice of innoculations in the area, introducted the use of Digitalis in America to cure edema.
Joseph Jackson AM, photo 2, d. 1790, son of Rev. Joseph Jackson of Brookline, MA, died while training to be a doctor at 23.
Mary Jackson d. 1805
Nathaniel Jackson d. 18??
Samuel Jackson d. 1774
Theodore Jackson d. 1784
Capt. Christopher Jeffares d. 1825
Lydia Johnson d. 1837
Harriet Deverson Jones d. 1829
Mary H. Jones, photo 2, d. 1807
Benjamin Joy d. 1836
Margaret Kennard d. 1817
Capt. Nathaniel Kennard d. 1823
Abigail Ladd, d. 1808, wife of Capt. Eliphalet Ladd, and privateer who owned many ships including the "Exeter", "Cleopatra" and "Columbia"
Lydia Ladd d. 1811
Mary L. Ladd d. 1836
Aaron Lakeman d. 1803
Elizabeth Sherburne Langdon d. 1813, wife of Gov. John Langdon.
Governor John Langdon, top photo, d. 1819, son of a farmer, representative to the general court at the start of the Revolutionary War and with Gen. John Sullivan and 400 others, initiated the first land skirmish of the war when thy captured Fort William and Mary at Newcastle and removed the powder and military stores for use at the Battle of Bunker Hill. Delegate to the Continental congress, agent of the Continental navy with a number of ships-of-war built under his direction including the Raleigh, the Ranger, and the America. Speaker of the assembly of New Hampshire, he made a stirring address that so roused the people's patriotism that a brigade was raised under General Stark which defeated the Hessians at Bennington in which he participated as a Colonel. He was captain of a volunteer company in the army of General Gates that captured General Burgoyne at Saratoga. He was Continental agent of New Hampshire and president of the state convention. He was governor of New Hampshire; U.S. senator, and president pro tempore of the senate He announced the electoral votes for the first president of the United States, and had the honor of first informing General Washington of his election. In 1801 he was offered the position of secretary of the navy by President Jefferson, but he declined, as he did the nomination for Vice-President of the United States.
Elizabeth Lapish d. 1805
George S. Lawry d. 1832
Sarah Lawry d. 1830
John E. Leblanc d. 1811
James Stoodley Lewis, photo 2, detail of portrait, d. 1783, heelstone
Jeremiah Libby, Esq. d. 1824
Major Edward Jennings Long, photo 2, commanded Long's Command of Artillery, New Hampshire Militia, War of 1812., Grand Master of St. John's Masonic Lodge.
Elisabeth Low d. 1808
Joseph Stevens Low d. 1806
Mary Pearne Low d. 1806
Augustus Lowe d. 1815
Joseph Lowe d. 1823
Madam Elizabeth Lowell d. 1805, wife of Rev. John Lowell who was the first minister of the First Religious Society Church of Newburyport. She was also married to Rev. Joseph Whipple of Hampton.
Ann Elizabeth Lynn d. 1863
Ann Eline Lynn d. 1878
John Mann d. 1829
Sarah Ann Mann d. 1836
Samuel Mansfield d. 1816
Emily Manson d. 1821
Theodore Manson d. 1822
Catherine March d. 1837
John March d. 1813
Margaret March d. 1810
Mary H. March
Nathaniel J. March d. 1827
Sarah March d. 1834
Sarah March d. 1845
John H. Marden, photo 2, Company G, 10th Infantry Regiment New Hampshire, Civil War
Margaret T. Marden d. 1848
George Thomas Martin d. 1834
Sarah Martin d. 1820
Elizabeth McHard d. 17??
Andrew McIntire
Clarissa McIntire, heelstone, d. 1791
Katarine McIntire, heelstone
Nathaniel Melcher d. 1808
Woodbury Melcher d. 1805
Abraham Meloon d. 1852
Paulina Meloon d. 1848
Clementine Mendum d. 1820
Capt. John Mendum, photo 2, d. 1806
John Mendum d. 1850
Samuel Mendum d. 1844
Susannah Mendum d. 1820
Mehitable Merriam d. 1848
Walter Merriam d. 1809
Benjamin Merrill, photo 2, d. 1816
Esther Meserve d. 1799
John Moffat, Esq., d. 18??, builder of the Moffat-Ladd House, now museum located on Market St. He was a merchant and invested in merchant ships. His daughter married Gen. William Whipple who later lived in the home.
Elizabeth R. P. Monroe d. 1837
Henry Monroe d. 1849
Mary Ann Moore d. 1821, photo 2
William Archibald Moore d. 1829
Sarah Morse d. 1878
Elizabeth Moses d. 1835
John Moses d. 1816
Sarah Moses d. 183?
William Moses d. 1805
Sgt. Charles W. Moulton, Co. K, 3rd NH Infantry, Civil War.
George Ham Moulton d. 184?
Sarah Emery Moulton d. 1826
Esther Mullinaux d. 1858, daughter of Prince Whipple, a former slave and Revolutionary War veteran.
Sarah Ann Neal d. 1806
Sarah Neil d. 1821, wife of Thomas Neil, a merchant, and daughter of Capt. Hector McNeil
William Neil jr. d. 1820, drowned at sea.
John Nelson d. 1818, a member of the NH Mechanic Association.
Anna Norton
John Odiorne d. 1825
Jotham Odiorne d. 1751, he once technically owned New Hampshire when he and a group of others purchased the title to the state from John Tufton Mason.
Susannah Oliver, photo 2, d. 1868
George Osborne d. 18??
Charles Edward Osgood d. 1833
Thomas Packer, photo 2, d. 1793
Abbigail Palfrey d. 1819
?? S. Palmer d. 1834
Mary C. Palmer d. 1830
Mary S. Palmer d. 1839
Sarah E. Palmer d. 1833
Eliza A. Parke d. 1866
Jane Parke d. 1824
Joanna Chauncy Parry d. 1800, daughter of Hon. Charles Chauncy, Esq., & granddaughter of Rev. Dr. Chauncy of Boston.
Louisa Ann Parry d. 1863
Richmond Parry d. 1828
Samuel Parry d. 1861
Jonathan Payson, Esq. d. 1826
Ann Pearne d. 1788
Mary Odiorne Pearse d. 1817
Peter P. Pearse d. 1812
Oliver Pearse d. 1848, drowned at Cape May.
Sarah H. Peabody Pearse d. 1818
Stephen Pearse d. 1861
Madam Abigail Peavy, heelstone, d. 1800, mother of George Boyd sr.
Domenick Peduzzi d. 1840, a native of Village di Imaglini, Italy.
Margaret Peduzzi d. 1839
Jane Peduzzi
Edward J. Peirce d. 1818
Andrew Jackson Penhallow, photo 2, d. 1890
Caroline A. Mason Penhallow, photo 2,
Eliza Penhallow, photo 2,
Harriet Penhallow, photo 2, d. 1861
Hon. Hunking Penhallow, photo 2, d. 1826, NH State Senator, once saved Portsmouth's early town records from fire.
Mary Ann Josepha Penhallow, photo 2,
Joseph Pepper d. 1849
Elizabeth Perkins d. 1822
Jeremy Perkins d. 1836
Nancy Perkins d. 1854
Sarah Perkins d. 184?
U.N. Perry, US Navy, Civil War.
Abigail Sheafe Pickering d. 1805, heelstone
Hon. John Pickering d. 1805, heelstone, he was a delegate at the NH Constitution Convention, a Federalist Judge who was impeached by the Senate and removed from office. His views at the time conflicted with the new Jeffersonian government.
Mary Jane Place d. 1836
Nancy Jones Place d. 1814
Sarah Place d. 1793
William Plummer, photo 2, d. 1798
Horace Morse Putnam d. 1832
Harriot Putnam d. 1832, wife of Rev. Israel Putnam who was pastor of the North Church (the steeple of which defines the Portsmouth skyline).
Julia Ann Putnam d. 1833
Sarah Reed d. 1821
Capt. Edmund Roberts d. 1787
Eveline Roberts d. 1844
George W. Robinson d. 1820
Emily Olevia Ross d. 1853
Nehemiah Rowell d. 1779
Ann Emily Jane Rugg d. 1832
Ivah N. Rugg d. 1878
Olive Ann Rugg d. 1875
Frances Rundlet
Eleazer Russell, Esq. , was a Naval Officer for England before the Revolution and for New Hampshire afterwards. He was also Collector of Impost for NH, Joint Sherriff of the Province of NH, and a representative of Portsmouth to the Assembly.
Martha Russell d. 1798
Elizabeth Salter d. 1805
Elizabeth J. Truesdell Salter d. 1836
Capt. Richard Salter, Esq. d. 1812
Charlotte H. Saunders d. 1823
Charles H. Saunders d. 1828, died of "dropsy on the brain".
Capt. Richard Saunders d. 1827
Elizabeth Scratt d. 1810
Harriet A. Scriggins d. 1846
Lydia Scriggins d. 1842
Capt. William Seavey d. 1845
Pamella Randall Sellers d. 1840, wife of Capt. James Sellers, commander of the ship "Cato" and Revolutionary War veteran who died in Bristol, England.
Elizabeth S. Senter d. 1835
Thankful Shapley d. 1806
William Shattuck d. 1827
Abigail Sheafe d. 1843
Charles Sheafe d. 1816
Francis Sheafe d. 1816
Hannah Seavey Sheafe, heelstone, d. 1773, photo 2
Horatio Sheafe d. 1798
Jacob Sheafe, Esq., heelstone, d. 1791, born at Newcastle, he was a local merchant who owned shares in several ships including the Hero, Amphitrite, and the Portsmouth. He was appointed Commissary of the NH forces at the capture of Louisburgh and a representative of Portsmouth for 7 years. He was also a friend and neighbor to Daniel Webster.
James Sheafe, Stone 2 d. 1845
John Hale Sheafe d. 1840
Mary Sheafe, heelstone, d. 1784
Mary Sheafe d. 1785, heelstone
Mary Sheafe d. 1817
Mary C. Sheafe d. 1797
Nathaniel Sheafe d. 1802
Oliver Sheafe, Stone 2 d. 1825
Sarah Sheafe d. 1798
Samuel Sheafe d. 1857
Sarah Sheafe d. 1799
Thomas Sheafe d. 1861 , Stone 2, merchant and owner of Sheafe's Wharf, now located in Prescott Park. It were his ships that brought the Yellow Fever epidemic of 1798 into port, killing one person for every sixty, including three of his own children.
Thomas Sheafe Jr. d. 1798
Rachel Tombs Shores d. 1818
John Shute Jr. d. 1854
Mary Shute d. 1837
Martha Simonds d. 1808
Elder Daniel A. Smith d. 1827
? Somerby d. 18??
Charles T. Somerby d. 1818
Angelia Louisa Southerin d. 1833
John E. Southerin d. 1829
William Johnson Southerin d. 1829
Alfred P. Spalding d. 1844, lost at sea.
Edward Jenner Spalding d. 1812
Elizabeth Coues Spalding, photo 2, d. 1838
Elizabeth P. Spalding d. 1878
Dr. Lyman Spaulding, photo 2, d. 1821, helped establish Dartmouth Medical School, president and professor of anatomy of the College of physicians and surgeons of the western district of the state of New York, was active in introducing into the United States the practice of vaccination as a preventive of the small-pox. photo 2
Daniel T.H. Spinney d. 1836
Izette S. Spinney d. 1893
Mary Waterhouse Spinney d. 1816
Mary W. Spinney, beautiful rising/setting sun motif.
Phebe Spinney d. 1828
Thomas Spinney d. 1818, a captain who advertised water excursions for ladies and gentlemen up and down the Piscataqua River.
Mary Traill Sprague d. 1824
Candace Spring, photo 2, d. 1807, wife of Pomp.
Pomp Spring d. 1807, born a slave, he later became a successful businessman and leader of the local African-American community.
Mary Stafford d. 1863
Elizabeth W.T. Staples d. 1797
James Staples d. 1850
John Staples d. 1839
Margaret Staples d. 1823
Sarah Frances Stevens d. 1819
Daniel S. Stickney d. 1837
Mary Ann Stickney d. 1837
Mehitable Stickney, photo 2, d. 1857
Samuel Stickney, photo 2, d. 1859
Edward Stiles d. 1805
Jane Stiles d. 1805
Jane Mary Ann Stiles d. 1826
Joseph Stiles d. 1827
Sarah Jane Stiles d. 1855
William Stinson d. 1842
Elizabeth Stoodley d. 1757, daughter of James Stoodly. Her's is a beautiful portrait gravestone, one of only two in this cemetery.
James Stoodly Esq., photo 2, heelstone, d. 1779, once owner of Stoodley's Tavern, which was the main gathering place for local revolutionaries where they were warned by a visit from Paul Revere in December of 1774 to warn that the British were coming. The Tavern was also the local stage coach stop, Masonic hall and sometimes the site of slave auctions. James Stoodley himself was also an officer in the First NH Militia Regiment and after Paul Revere's visit was given an order to gather men to take over nearby Fort William and Mary (now Fort Constitution) in New Castle. 400 men responded and easily took the fort from its 5 watchmen in the first armed conflict of the Revolutionary War.
Daniel Storey d. 1815
Sophia Ruth Streeter d. 1816
Catherine Stringer d. 1868
Joseph W. Stringer d. 1862
John E. Southerin d. 1829
Edward J. Teague
Frank Teague
George N. Teague d. 1842
Martha E. Teague d. 1844
Mary A. Teague
Eliza Tetherly d. 1820
George Tetherly d. 1820
George Tetherly d. 1872
George Tetherly, Jr. d. 1843
John Henry Tetherly d. 1834
John P. Tetherly d. 1820
Oliver Tetherly d. 1863
John B. Thompson d. 1810
Margaret Thompson, photo 2, d. 180?, wife of Capt. Thomas Thompson
Mary Thompson d. 1813
Thomas Thompson, Captain of the Continental Naval Frigate "Raleigh" which was built under his supervision. This ship and 12 others built at the time were the beginnings of the American Navy and it is now featured on the NH state seal. He was also the first president of the Portsmouth Marine Society and neighbor to Gov. John Langdon. Back of stone
Jacob Tilton d. 1776, keeper of the Bell Tavern. His son Johnny tried to fly with the chickens out the loft window as a child and the landing caused brain damage. In his diminished capacity he was deemed an "idiot", lived at the Alms House, and favored wearing a hat adorned with chicken feathers.
Andrew Tombs, Esq., a British officer who died while serving the crown.
Mary Traill d. 1791
Capt. Henry Treadick d. 1816
Anna Treadwell d. 1866
Robert Odiorne Treadwell d. 1806
Olive M. Trickey d. 1866, wife of a sea captain.
Martha Tucker d. 1840
Mehitable Tucker d. 1816
Olive Ann Tucker d. 1821
William Tucker d. 1849
Eunice Tuttel Tullock d. 1827, wife of a sea captain.
Elizabeth Page Turell, I d. 1816, I, II, and III daughters of Charles Turell who was publisher of the Portsmouth Oracle newspaper.
Elizabeth Page Turell, II d. 1821
Elizabeth Page Turell, III d. 1828
Priscilla Hazard Tuttell d. 1806
William Vaughan, jr. d. 1816
Margaret Veazey d. 17??
Abigail Walden, photo 2, d. 1824
Anna Treadwell Walden d. 1806, photo 2
Elizabeth Walden d. 1843
Sophia Walden, photo 2, d. 1842
Sylvester Walden d. 1816
John S. Walker d. 1852
Lavina Walker d. 1821
Nancy Walker d. 1798, one of three children who died within four days of each other.
Samuel Walker d. 1798, one of three children who died within four days of each other.
Temperance Walker d. 1798 , one of three children who died within four days of each other.
Agnes Warner d. 1809
Mary Ann Warner d. 1797
Benjamin Warren d. 1832
Elizabeth Warren d. 1811
Elizabeth Warren d. 1874
Anna Maria Foster Wetherbee d. 1854
Elizabeth Wentworth d. 1769
Mary Wentworth d. 1843
Mary Codman Wheelright d. 1833
Robert C. Whidden d. 1815
Catherine Whipple d. 1823, wife of William Whipple and buried with the family of Gov. John Langdon.
Hannah Whipple d. 1811
Joseph Whipple Esq. d. 1816, Collector of Customs in Portsmouth and brother to General William Whipple. He was instructed to retrieve a runaway slave named Ona that was owned by George Washington, but chose to let her alone rather than stir up problems with local anti-slavery supporters. She lived in the area the rest of her life and is buried in Greenland.
Mary Whipple d. 1783
Prince Whipple, photo 2, d. 1796, he was kidnapped by a slave trading captain who was supposed to bring them to America for his education, sold as a slave to General William Whipple, fought in the Revolutionary War along side him and was one of twenty slaves from Portsmouth who petitioned the state legislature for freedom in 1779.
General William Whipple, photo 2, photo 3 d. 1785, Signer of the Declaration of Independance, a friend to George Washington, Brigadier General of the NH Militia during the Revolutionary War.
Hon. Richard Wibird, photo 2, d. 1765, appointed one of his Majesty's Council and collector of customs for the port of Portsmouth in 1730, and counsellor in 1739, and in 1756, received the appointment of Judge of the Probate he once technically owned New Hampshire when he and a group of others purchased the title to the state from John Tufton Mason.
Thomas Wibird, photo 2, d. 1745
Levi Woodbury Wiggin d. 1850
Samuel P. Wiggin d. 1853
Eunice Woodward d. 180?, wife of a sea captain.
George Wortman d. 1848, at New Orleans.
Elizabeth Wyatt d. 1811
Edward Yard d. 1806, of Grenada.
Comfort Marshall Yeaton d. 1788, wife of Capt. Hopely Yeaton who received the first commission issued by Pres. Washington to an officer afloat. He was master of a ship employed as a Revenue Cutter, the service which later became the US Coast Guard. He also served as Lieutenant in the Continental Navy aboard frigates "Raleigh”