Public Art Review Committee Publishes A Guide to “Public Art in Portsmouth NH”

March 19, 2025

The City’s Public Art Review Committee (PARC) has issued a new guide, “Public Art in Portsmouth, NH,” that inventories the City’s public art installations. To view the guide and for more information about other PARC initiatives, visit:

The guide is organized by neighborhood and also highlights a selection of artworks in the City’s collection which are displayed at City Hall and the Portsmouth Public Library.

Included in the guide are works commissioned by the City through the “Percent-for-Art” ordinance, works commissioned by nonprofits such as Portsmouth NH 400th, Inc., and by private donors on commercial properties. Each page in the guide includes the name of the work, a description of its intent, a photo, the location, the artist or artists, materials used to create the artwork, sponsors, and the date of installation.

The mission of the Public Art Review Committee, established by Mayor Deaglan McEachern in 2023, is to assist the City in reviewing proposals for public art and conducting practical assessments of the feasibility of installing and maintaining such art works in the public sphere. Among its responsibilities is “fostering the development and awareness of public art within the City of Portsmouth.” This inventory project offers a baseline for the Committee’s work.

In debuting the guide, PARC Chair Christine M. Dwyer said, “As is the case in other cities, Portsmouth’s public art brings a sense of vibrancy to the streetscape, both in high-profile locations and more hidden spots. As this inventory demonstrates, Portsmouth’s public art highlights our shared history, showcases our unique geography, memorializes special people and memorable times, is a focal point for gatherings and communicates the character of our community to residents, businesses, and visitors. For PARC, as we review new public art proposals, we now have a better sense of where we are and the artists who have helped us express that sense. It is exciting to think that we now have other public art opportunities."

CAPTION: The City of Portsmouth's public art installations include the Bohenko Gateway Park Sculpture Garden with PNH400 works, "Cod and the Mortal Sea" by Terrence Parker and "Endeavor" by Sijia Chen.

Bohenko Gateway Park Sculpture Garden