Portsmouth City Clerk Announces May 31 Deadline for Those Wishing to Change Party Affiliation
May 24, 2022
The New Hampshire State Primary is scheduled for September 13, 2022. Kelli Barnaby, City Clerk for the City of Portsmouth has announced that anyone wishing to make any change to their party affiliation, must do so by 6 pm on Tuesday, May 31, 2022 in order for the change to apply to their voting in the 2022 State Primary Election in September. The Board of Registrars will also be available to make those changes at City Hall from 5:30 to 7:30 pm on Tuesday, May 31.
Voters may change party affiliation with the City Clerk except between the first day of the filing period for the primary election and the date of the primary election itself. Therefore, during this year’s Primary Election cycle, party affiliation changes will not be accepted between June 1 and September 13, 2022.
Undeclared Voters voting in the Primary Election will be required to choose either a Democratic or Republican ballot to vote. This is considered declaring a party affiliation. To remain an Undeclared Voter after casting a ballot, a voter must visit the Registrars Table at the polling location and sign the Undeclared Voters list for the Ward. Otherwise the voter is listed as affiliated with the party of the ballot selected.
Those registered as either a Democrat or Republican during a Primary Election are not allowed to choose a different ballot and are handed the ballot for that affiliation. These voters are not allowed to make any party change or become an Undeclared Voter at the polls. These changes may be made beginning September 14, 2022, the day after the Primary Election.
During the November 8, 2022 NH State General Election, voters of any affiliation may choose to vote for any candidate of any party on the ballot.
For more information about NH State Elections, go to the website of the NH Secretary of State.