Portsmouth City Clerk Announces State Election Voting Details for November 8

October 6, 2022

City Clerk Kelli Barnaby has confirmed the polling hours for the NH Election on Tuesday, November 8, 2022. The polls will be open from 8 am to 7 pm.

Voting Locations: 

  • Ward One – New Franklin School, 1 Franklin Drive 
  • Ward Two – Middle School, 155 Parrott Avenue 
  • Ward Three – Senior Activity Center, 125 Cottage Street 
  • Ward Four – Dondero School, 32 Van Buren Avenue 
  • Ward Five – Little Harbour School, 50 Clough Drive

Absentee ballots for the NH Election will be available on Friday, October 7. The City Clerk’s Office is open that day from 8 am to 1 pm. Qualified registered voters may apply to receive an absentee ballot in person in the City Clerk’s Office in City Hall or online, go to: https://files.portsmouthnh.gov/cityclerk/2022absballotapp.pdf

Voters may request an absentee ballot if they:

  • Will be absent on election day. Reasons for absence include:
    • Being out-of-town on election day
    • Working
    • Caring for children or infirm adults, with or without compensation
    • Have concerns about traveling because on the Monday immediately before the election, the National Weather Service has issued a winter storm, blizzard, or ice storm warning that applies to the voter’s city/ward.
  • Are unable to vote in person due to disability
  • Are unable to vote in person due to observance of a religious commitment, which prevents someone from voting in person
  • Are confined to a penal institution for a misdemeanor or while awaiting trial

Once completed, Absentee Ballots must be received by the City Clerk's Office at City Hall by 5 pm on Monday, November 7, 2022, the day before the election.

For additional information on voting, Absentee Ballot qualifications and polling place locations, go to: https://www.cityofportsmouth.com/cityclerk/voting-information Or contact the City Clerk's Office at (603) 610-7208 or via e-mail at cityclerk@cityofportsmouth.com.

Voter registration: New Portsmouth voters may register in advance, during regular business hours at the City Clerk’s Office in City Hall (1 Junkins Avenue) up through November 1, 2022. On November 1, 2022 the City Clerk will be available to register new voters until 4:30 pm. The Board of Registrars will also offer special hours for voter registration on that day, in the City Hall Lobby from 6 to 7:30 pm. Same-day voter registration is also accepted at the polls on Election Day, November 8. For more information, contact the City Clerk’s Office at 603-610-7245 or 603-610-7208.

New Hampshire law permits same-day registration for those 18 years of age or over, with proof of US citizenship and Portsmouth residence.