News & Announcements


Outreach: Fall Family Fun Fest!, Saturday October 26

October 26, 2024

Join us at the fourth annual Fall Family Fun Fest at Community Campus! It is a lot of fun with activities, food, music and more! If you want to get in the spirit, costumes are encouraged!

We will offer a story time, temporary tattoos, library cards for Portsmouth residents, free books and more!


Local History: Ku Klux Klan in NE in the 1920's, Tuesday October 22

October 22, 2024

Most New Englanders think of the Ku Klux Klan as a Southern institution targeting mainly African-Americans. But in the 1920s the Klan was nationwide and enjoyed strong support in the North and West, as well as the South. In addition to people of color, the 1920s Klan also targeted Catholics, Jews, immigrants, and organized labor.


We Craft!, Friday October 18

October 18, 2024

We craft, ewe craft, we all craft together! Join library staff Nicole and Michaela in the Levenson Room on the third Friday of the month for a relaxing end-of-week drop-in craft time. Seek help on a crafting hurdle, get advice on a tricky mending project, or share your expertise with fellow local crafters.


Planner Society: Make an Autumnal Magnet, Wednesday October 16

October 16, 2024

Join the Planner Society to create an autumnal craft! We’re making decoupage wooden fridge magnets using a variety of printed napkins and paper to help bring some fall whimsy to your kitchen or bulletin board!

Craft kits will be available to pick up one week before the event for those who register.