Genealogy Workshop: Are You Getting the Most from Your DNA? Sunday, March 17
March 6, 2024
Presented by the library’s Special Collections staff and members of the Ranger Chapter of Daughters of the American Revolution (DAR), these events are free, open to the public, and appropriate for all levels of interest and experience. All levels will learn something new!
Explore your Family History at our monthly genealogy workshop, Are You Getting the Most Out Of Your DNA: An Introduction with Certified Genealogist® – CG®, Lana Leggett-Kealey.
You tested your DNA at the popular site Your ethnicity results don’t surprise you, or maybe they do! Now what? How is your ethnicity relevant to your genealogy? What about all those matches? How are they related to you and why does it matter? How many of your DNA cousins do you know? We’ll talk about how to get the “mother lode” of information out of your DNA results by going over the following:
- The advantages of using DNA in your genealogy research
- The five main genealogical DNA testing companies with the size of their databases. We’ll talk about how this can benefit your research.
- Where the three types of DNA come from and how they’re inherited.
- Why all of your relatives don’t show up in your DNA match results?
- How to further your family tree by researching your DNA matches.
- Other sites that can help with your research.
Registration is not required.
About the Presenter
Lana Leggett-Kealey, Ph.D., CG, has a doctorate in chemistry and worked in pharmaceutical development for many years. She began testing her relatives' DNA and the application to genealogy in 2011. She has been certified by the Board for Certification of Genealogists "BCG" since 2019 and works with clients from all over the world.