Local History: The Original Bucky Lew — Basketball's First Black Professional, Tuesday April 16
March 26, 2024
Harry "Bucky" Lew became New Hampshire's first Black professional when he played for the Portsmouth Pros in 1905. In a history-making career that started in Lowell, MA, and spanned 25 years, he ultimately became the first Black player, coach, manager, referee, and franchise owner in an otherwise white game.
While the full integration of sports didn't come for another generation, the men behind it were likely inspired by Lew. Fred Dobens, president of the Nashua Dodgers when they integrated baseball in the US in 1946, and Walter Brown, who drafted the NBA's first Black player in 1950, would have read about Lew's exploits in the papers as teenagers. Their knowledge of Lew's status as a beloved figure undoubtedly gave them confidence that fans would support integrated teams.
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About the Presenter
Chris Boucher is a New England author who has published three books; The Original Bucky Lew is his latest. Born in Derry, NH, he now splits his time between Lowell, MA, and Wells, ME. He has always been interested in sports, history, and writing, yet somehow only recently learned he could pursue all three passions in a single project!