Radical Self-Love and Artistic Integrity, Thursday April 26
March 27, 2018
Radical Self-Love & Artistic Integrity
with Rae Senarighi, Artist
Thursday April 26 | 7 PM
Join us at PPL on Thursday, April 26 at 7 PM for a moving talk with artist Rae Senarighi, titled Radical Self-Love and Artistic Integrity
Facing one’s own mortality has a way of bringing things into sharp focus. While going through cancer treatment in 2015, Rae Senarighi rededicated his life to art, and decided to never again send hate to his body. Now through his art Rae hopes to help audiences across the spectrum come to self-love and wholeness without going through the trauma of a life threatening experience.
Fine artist, designer, and muralist, Rae Senarighi is best known for vivid colorful abstracts, intricate typography, and bold transfixing portraits of modern icons. Rae is a transgender non-binary artist currently living and working in Portland, Oregon. In his upcoming solo show, TRANSCEND, at 3S Artspace, he masterfully captures the brightness in twelve transgender culture-makers:
3S Artspace
APRIL 27 - MAY 20
Artist Opening Reception: Friday, April 27, 5 – 8 PM