Greenleaf Avenue - Lafayette Road Sidewalk & Intersection Project
The Parking & Traffic Safety Committee considered the Greenleaf Avenue-Lafayette Road Intersection project at their meeting on August 14, 2024 and discussed exploring the possibility of converting a portion of the roadway between Lafayette Road and the Route 1 Bypass to one way traffic as part of the planned DPW sidewalk construction project. P&TS referred the idea back to staff for evaluation and report back, and asked staff to schedule a public meeting on the sidewalk project. That Greenleaf Avenue - Lafayette Road Sidewalk & Intersection Project Public Meeting was held on August 27, 2024. Review the meeting presentation and Zoom recording and sign up to receive updates by providing an email address in the box above.
Requests from neighborhoods throughout the City regarding traffic volumes, motor vehicle speeds, and pedestrian safety are reviewed by P&TS and DPW. A majority of these requests deal with street intersections, which would be enhanced with minor modifications to the geometry of the streets at the intersections. Projects identified in the City's Capital Improvement Plan (CIP) would make improvements to various intersections involving realignment, curbing, signage and other traffic calming methods. These slight modifications would improve safety for both pedestrian and motor vehicle traffic. The Greenleaf Avenue and Lafayette Road intersection has been identified as a difficult intersection, which needs improvement.
On June 3, 2021, the Department of Public Works and Parking & Traffic Safety Committee hosted a public input session via Zoom. For the video of that meeting, click here. Additional public input sessions will be held as the preliminary design process advances.
Direct comments or questions about the project to:
Eric Eby, P.E., Parking and Transportation Engineer
(603) 766-1415