September 4, 2024 - The Portsmouth City Council has empowered City Manager Karen Conard to enter into a contract for $140,000 with DiBari Associates of Miami, Florida to design, construct, and install the public artwork on Peirce Island recommended by the Public Art Review Committee (PARC). The selection and funding of the artwork are based on the City ordinance directing Percent-for-Art proceeds from the Peirce Island Wastewater Treatment plant. The Percent-for-Art amount is capped by Council action at $150,000. The contract allows for $10,000 to be left in the Public Art Trust for future maintenance of the piece.

PARC made a presentation of the selection process and winning design at the August 19, 2024 City Council meeting, naming DiBari Associates as the winner of an open competition in response to a City RFP process. The winning design is described as a “20-foot spiral leaf form” with a stone dust path connecting it to existing paths to make the location accessible to wheelchair users. In keeping with the natural environment of Peirce Island, no lighting is planned; solar lighting could be added along the base of the spiral.

According to Committee chair Chris Dwyer, “PARC was impressed with the responses to the solicitation in terms of the quality and innovativeness of the bidders’ proposals which were wide-ranging in concept, themes, designs, and materials.” Winning features of the DiBari proposal included the team’s “professionalism and depth of technical experience, extensive track record of unique, place-based artworks and responsiveness to adapting to the site.” The PARC review team also cited the design’s organic response to and respect for the natural environment of Peirce Island, appeal to children and adults, pleasing aesthetics, and ease of maintenance and durability in a harsh environment.
In March 2024, the City issued an RFP to commission a Peirce Island Percent-for-Art design after identifying a location on Peirce Island that is easily accessible from the parking lot near the pool and close to the playground, visible from many locations, and relatively flat and open. The RFP was widely distributed to a list of local, state, national and international artists and arts organizations. The City received 22 responses from artists/arts groups: seven from local Seacoast artists, three from other parts of New England, ten from states outside New England and two from international artists. Four semifinalists were interviewed before the PARC review committee voted unanimously to select DiBari Associates.
On August 19, 2024 the Committee made a presentation on their selection of an artist and design for the site to the City Council. For details on the selection, go to the Memo to City Council that was also included in the City Council meeting packet.
The Public Art Review Committee in January 2024 launched the Peirce Island Art Project.
The Committee conducted a process including community engagement sessions to commission a signature work (or works) of art on Peirce Island using funding from the City’s percent-for-art program.
Community engagement sessions took place as follows:
- In person meeting – Thursday, January 25 from 6:30 pm - 7:45 pm in the Levenson Room at the Portsmouth Public Library
- Virtual meeting – Monday, February 12 at 12 pm - 1:15 pm (Zoom meeting details available upon registration via sclancy@cityofportsmouth.com)
- Thursday, February 15, 2024 from 6:30 to 7:45 pm in the Levenson Room at the Portsmouth Public Library
Email Sean Clancy, Assistant City Manager for Economic and Community Development, at sclancy@cityofportsmouth.com for additional information.