Pease Wastewater Treatment Facility
Project Description:
This project will upgrade the Pease Wastewater Treatment Facility to address treatment capacity limitations based on projected buildout of the Tradeport for both domestic and industrial customers. Much of the Pease Tradeport WWTF equipment has reached the end of its service life and cannot accommodate the future flows and loads associated with the buildout. Improvements include upgrades to the liquid and solids treatment processes and ancillary systems to address nitrogen removal requirements. The project includes an electrical system upgrade, mechanical equipment replacement, expansion of the secondary treatment capacity and conversion of the effluent disinfection system from chlorination/dechlorination to UV. Construction is anticipated to take approximately 2 years, and the facility will remain in operation throughout construction.
Estimated Completion: This project is currently in the design phase. Construction is anticipated to take approximately 2 years, and the facility will remain in operation throughout construction.
Funding Source:
Project Manager: