Weddings Policies and Procedures

Prescott Park is available for weddings for both residents and non-residents of the City. Various locations for weddings are available in the City’s 10-acre Prescott Park, an invaluable green space that serves as the primary waterfront access in the downtown for many residents, visitors and park neighbors. These policies and procedures have been designed to ensure weddings are special and successful for couples and their guests as well complement the Park atmosphere, protect the Parks grounds and features, and allow for simultaneous use of the Park by the public. Adherence to these rules and regulations will help ensure all members of the public can enjoy this very special place at all times. 

Policies and Procedures (Revised: August 9, 2018)


Weddings may be held in Prescott Park subject to the following terms and conditions and through the procedures outlined below:

  1. Couples interested in conducting weddings in Prescott Park must secure written approval at least 30 calendar days in advance of the wedding.  The process of registering a wedding is described in section C. below.
  2. Prescott Park, owned and operated by the City of Portsmouth, is offered as a location for Weddings.  No services associated with holding your wedding or hosting guests or other accommodations are provided by the City (with the exception of public restrooms).  Weddings are scheduled in two-hour increments; all set-up and take down of personal property associated with your wedding must be erected and taken down within the two-hour time period.
  3. Please follow these steps in the order shown below:
    • Is Prescott Park the right location for your wedding?  Read through the entire “Wedding Policy and Procedures” information on this web page.
    • Choose a location in the Park for your wedding using this Wedding Location Map
    • Fill out the Wedding Reservation Request Form and send to Brinn Sullivan at to request your wedding date.
    • Following a review of your Registration, you will be contacted by the Recreation Department with an e-mail communication concerning your application, and if appropriate, payment instructions.   (Information about fees, subject to change annually, are found in the section “Wedding Reservation Fee” below).  Online payment is available (as well as mail by check and cash delivery to City Clerk).
  4. No wedding may be held in Prescott Park unless a reservation to conduct a wedding has been approved by the Recreation Department. No wedding may include more than 75 persons in total unless the time, date and location of has also been approved in advance the City Manager's Office.
  5. Notes on scheduling: Prescott Park is a vibrant and active public space, with many informal and formal events, both large and small.  Wedding couples are advised to be mindful of sounds, crowds, and other park related activities that may take place before, after or during scheduled weddings.  In particular, couples may wish to consult the local events calendar, including the Prescott Park Arts Festival season schedule ( to learn more about events going on in the Park.  Other examples of events to be aware of might be Market Square Day (typically, second Saturday in June); the Chowder Festival (typically, first Saturday in June), and sound checks and other preparations for Arts Festival program such as concerts and plays.  A Community Events Calendar can be found on the City’s website under “Residents”.
    • If a wedding location becomes unavailable due to construction, another site in the Park will be offered.  All couples scheduling weddings should be mindful that portions of the Park will be under construction, which could impact Park aesthetics, circulation and other construction related inconveniences.  The City of Portsmouth appreciates you patience and understanding as the City pursues Plan implementation.   
  6. The following restrictions apply to every wedding in the Park:
    • Alcoholic beverages are prohibited at all times in Prescott Park.
    • Throwing rice or other materials is prohibited.
    • Weddings are not permitted on the stage or in the lawn areas surrounding the stage.  See Wedding Location Map for eligible locations.
    • No signs, banners or electrical sound amplification are allowed. However, on a case-by-case basis, amplification for wedding parties of 75 or more may be permitted (on the Players' Ring Lawn only, site 4 on wedding map) via separate approval of the City Manager's Office at time of registration.  Approval will only be granted for dates and times which do not conflict with other programming in the Park.
    • Chairs for guests may be set up behind the Player's Ring Only.
    • No tents, chairs, furniture or other items of personal property are permitted in the formal garden area and/or trial garden area (exception for ADA accommodations and for elderly guests).
  7. As of October 1 of each year, all flowers are removed from Prescott Park gardens. Weddings are still welcome. Fountains and bathrooms remain active until the end of October, weather permitting.

Wedding Reservation Fee


The wedding reservation fee shall be as follows:

$150.00 - 1-10 participants

$375.00 - 11-49 participants

$750.00 - 50-75+ participants


The wedding reservation fee shall be waived when either one of the persons being married is a current Portsmouth resident. 


The wedding reservation fee shall be refunded in the event that the wedding cannot be held in Prescott Park due to inclement weather. 

Following a receipt and review of your Registration, you will be contacted by the Recreation Department with an e-mail communication concerning your application, and if appropriate, payment instructions. Online payment is available (as well as mail by check and cash delivery to Recreation Department: 100 Campus Dr., Portsmouth).

Wedding Location Map

Prescot Park Wedding location Map


Wedding Requests
