100 Foundry Place - Foundry Place Garage
(603) 610-7257

Mon 8:00am to 6:00pm

Tues-Thur 8:00am to 4:30pm

Fri 8:00am to 1:00pm

(603) 431-6362
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Portsmouth Downtown Employee Parking Program is Now Year-Round!

Parking for a full shift working downtown can be expensive.

However, qualified employees of downtown Portsmouth businesses can park in the Foundry Place Garage for only $3 per parking session(!)

That's right.  Covered, clean and inexpensive Portsmouth Employee Parking is now available year-round!  No more leaving your wipers up; no more scraping windshields or brushing off snow.

Sponsored Zagster bike stations now installed and operating

This spring, the City announced the expansion of their Zagster bike share fleet thanks to sponsorships offered by several local businesses; these new stations have now been installed to total ten stations throughout the City. The Kane Company sponsors the Commerce Way station, Chinburg Properties sponsors the Brewery Lane station, and Mark A. McNabb and Peter R.