Craft Retreat, January 3 - 5
December 1, 2024The Craft Retreat is a 3-day event from Friday to Sunday on Jan 3-5. Each class is a crafty how-to taught by members of Portsmouth Public Library Staff!
Please feel free to sign up for one, two, three, or as many of the programs as you like. The schedule is as follows:
Friday Jan 3:
On the Edge of Home: Stories of Housing Insecurity, Home, and the Path to Sustainable Housing Solutions
November 16, 2024View our interactive display, or attend a film/panel discussion! Find out more...
Regency Ball, Friday December 13
November 16, 2024Live music, dancing, games, crafts, and prizes! Free and open to all ages. Register now!
Belonging in NH: A Book Talk with Local Authors Terry Farrish and Lochan Sharma, Saturday November 2
November 2, 2024Belonging in New Hampshire: Terry Farish and Lochan Sharma present their YA novel GO HOME
Outreach: Find us at the Portsmouth Halloween Parade!, Thursday October 31
October 31, 2024Join us downtown for the Halloween Parade! We will be in costume, so keep your eyes open for us! Have some fun with us this fall season!
Film: Ghost Busters, Thursday October 31
October 31, 2024Ghostbusters (The Original).
1984. PG. 107 Minutes.
Spec Fic Book Club: Never Let Me Go, Tuesday October 29
October 29, 2024The library's Speculative Fiction Book Club meets the final Tuesday each month at 7 PM. All are welcome.
Whenever possible, copies of each month's title will be available for checkout with a library card.
Registration is optional - register to receive reminders!
Medicare Basics, Tuesday October 29
October 29, 2024Do you have questions about Medicare? Not sure about the best plan for you? This lively, informative class will help you understand the basics of Medicare in relatable, easy-to-understand language. It will also help you better understand your options and provide tools that will be valuable in determining the plan best suited to
Shakespeare Discussion Group: Julius Caesar, Tuesday October 29
October 29, 2024How now good friends? Dost thou seek a monthly passtime to broaden the mind and entice the senses? Look no further than Shakespearean Discussion Group! Enjoy the selected play of the month in the way ‘twas presented: to the masses!
Poets' Workshop Group, Saturday October 26
October 26, 2024Poets are invited to join our new Poets' Workshop Group! This community of poets will share their work in a friendly and sensitive environment, explore others' work, write, reflect, revise, and publish!